Saturday, January 22, 2011

44/365 Knit Crazy

Thanks to Elli's gorgeous knit photos, I am now hooked again on knitting. I found this gorgeous   Gap-tastic Cowl pattern at (recommended by Elli). It's so fast and easy to make that I think I'll be able to finish it by tomorrow morning.
Knit Crazy

DS433: Make a photo that features stripes of some sort today.
44/365 Make a photo that features stripes of some sort today.
This is my 5th scarf in 12 days. You must think I've gone "knit crazy" but to me it's "self therapy". I sense euphoria everytime I finish a project. Actually, I have 5 more projects to do for the "Pay It Forward" thing that I responded to on my high school friend's Facebook wall. And I am very excited to knit those too. How about you? What are you into lately?

Friday, January 21, 2011

43/365 Monochrome

Today our temperature was in the teens and our steep driveway was like a sheet of ice. But the sun came out and it looked so pretty and white outside... I could not resist taking outdoor shots! So I grabbed my camera, opened one window upstairs and another one downstairs and started shooting. It was my first time to shoot in monochrome mode and I loved it!

#DS432: Take color out of the equation and make a monochromatic photograph today.

43/365 Monochrome
I'd love this picture more if the birds were on that branch.

43/365 Monochrome
I shot this from a bedroom window on the second floor.

43/365 Monochrome
And this is right outside our livingroom window.
I love it when snow sticks to the trees like that! It reminds me of holiday cards :)

So guess what my 3-year-old asked as soon as she saw the snow this morning??
"Is it Christmas Day yet, Mommy?"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

42/365 Shooting Low

#DS431: How low can you go? Make a photograph today from a low point of view.
42/365 Shoot Low
Shot from under the breakfast table

Aaaaaahhhhh... So this is what our front door looks like from a mouse's point of view;) I am still feeling sore so this was another tough shot to take. But thank God for timers and remotes, all I had to do was put the camera on the floor and hoped for the best. And somehow, it worked ;)

41/365 Path to Recovery

#DS430: Make a photograph featuring a path, road, or trail that leads the eye through the photograph.
41/365 Path to Feeling Better

I was getting my daughter ready for school when I read this assignment. Road, path or trail. I got excited. We have lots of picturesque-looking roads around here. So, I went back upstairs and grabbed my camera bag. Then... swoosh!  I fell on my buns and me and my precious camera bag slid down a flight of stairs. Ugggh! Camera's ok but I'm not. I stayed in bed, feeling sore the whole day. I had to wait until 4pm to see my doctor and get some xrays, and until 8pm to take my pain pills. So what was I able to take? The hallway to my doctor's office. It wasn't even a good shot as I was in so much pain then. But hey,it's still a path! :))

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

40/365 Self Therapy

DS#429: Make a photograph with a triangular composition.

Elli of Scrivnerburg365 inspired me to rekindle my passion for knitting. (Thank you very much!) It's only been a little more than a week since I started knitting again, and already, I'm on my third kid's scarf :) Ahhh... I love the therapy it gives me.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meet Alyssa's new friend, Isabella.

To those who don't know me, I am afraid of dogs. I don't know how I even managed to come close, more so let my daughter come this close to Izzy. But that gorgeous, gorgeous 7-year-old dog is ever so gentle. Alyssa was so fond of her. And I... well, the fact that I did not stay in the car the whole dinner time was a sign that I liked her too.

Thanks Jeff and Annmarie for a great dinner!

New Friends
New Friends
New Friends
New Friends

39/365 Hand-Painted Piggy Bank

#DS428: Make a photograph with a soft look today.

39/365 Soft Look
Handpainted by Alyssa's cousin, Heather
50mm f1.4G, 1/60, f2.5, ISO1000, +0.3EV

Sunday, January 16, 2011

38/365 Blue

I am not a morning person but I woke up as early as 5am yesterday to join an early photowalk (sunrise) at Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach. Unfortunately, the sun and clouds were not cooperative and almost all my photos looked like this. Blue. Ahhh. It's like The Daily Shoot knew that I needed to take a break from shooting today. And yes, I took advantage. I did not shoot but I sorted and edited yesterday's photos in LR3 today.

#DS427: Today's theme is blue. Make a photograph dominated by the color or that otherwise illustrates the theme.
38/365 Blue
Lens 18-200mm f3.5/5.6 at 18mm, 15secs at f/9.0, ISO200, LR3

37/365 Salt n Pepper

#DS426: Make a photograph of two complementary objects arranged to show their relationship to each other.
37/365 Salt n Pepper