Saturday, January 29, 2011

51/365 Mail

#DS440: Make a photograph that illustrates an aspect of communication.

51/365 What's in the Mail?
50mm f/1.4G, 1/13sec, f/5.6, ISO1000

Friday, January 28, 2011

50/365 RED

 #DS439: Today's theme is red. Red hot? Red paint? Or something else? You decide.

50/365 RED

Sometimes, I love getting snowed in coz it gives us an excuse to stay in our pajamas the whole day.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

49/365 Curved Lines

DS#438: Make a photograph that features a very distinct curved line or surface today.
49/365 Curved Lines

This next photo was taken last Monday, supposedly for assignment #DS435 (Use hard light that casts sharp distinct shadows in a photograph today.) But I decided to post my daughter's portrait instead. Well, tonight I'm going to share this as well coz it seems applicable for DS's current assignment. And the truth is, I like this better than the one above! LOL
46/365 Hard Light

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

48/365 Wet Snow

I slept for only 1.5 hours last night. So right now, I am really not up to using my brain and getting creative. But I took some photos this afternoon after picking up my daughter in school. Everything around us looked pretty and white. Like out of a postcard. Here are my entries for today. As soon as this post publishes, I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone and thanks for stopping by.

One of the plants in our backyard
Wet Snow

And this is a view of our street from the driveway.
Front Street

47/365 Sale!

Make a photograph today that illustrates attraction. Pick whatever definition of the word you'd like.

47/365 Sale!
Who wouldn't get attracted to this?!?

Monday, January 24, 2011

46/365 Flashlight

#DS435: Use hard light that casts sharp distinct shadows in a photograph today.
46/365 Hard Light

I thought I was not even going to make an entry today. I was already getting very frustrated. I could not envision what type of photograph I was going to make even though I've already seen lots of samples on The Daily Shoot website. And then Alyssa started messing with a couple of flashlights. And voila! I suddenly got creative again! LOL I know you can't even call this "hard light" since I already softened it up. But I like it better this way. Besides, my subject's patience is very thin. I have to make it quick and make do with what I was able to capture.

Anyway, in this portrait, my daughter's face was lit with just a regular flashlight angled at around 45 degrees. The RAW file actually had a very bright spot on her left cheek which I had to adjust a little bit on LR3 to come up with a better portrait.

I hope you are all having a great start of the week. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

45/365 "Prettyful"

Celebrate the pretty things in life. Make a photograph of the most beautiful thing you see today.
I didn't have to even think about today's theme. Alyssa IS the most beautiful thing I see everyday.