Saturday, January 8, 2011

30/365 Missing Philippine Cuisine So Bad...

#DS419: Make a photograph today to serve as a special memory of somebody or something.

50mm f/1.4, Manual Mode, 1/30secs, f/2.5,  ISO400

I made it thru the day, but I'm beat. I promise to make more effort on my project next time. Looking forward to tomorrow's assignment. Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, January 7, 2011

29/365 Converging Lines

I spent the whole day thinking where I can get converging lines in my house today without taking another shot of our hallway. And just when I thought I'd already given up, these paper clips appeared infront of me. I'm not sure if my composition even made any sense. I just... played :)

#DS418 Use strong converging lines in a photograph today. It's your choice whether or not to show the vanishing point.

50mm 1.4G, Manual Mode, 1/13secs, f/2.8, ISO400

Thursday, January 6, 2011

28/365 Here's the one Christmas thing that I won't put away...

#DS417: Go high contrast today and make a photograph with tons of pop. Do as much in-camera as possible.

28/365 High Contrast with a Pop
50mm f/1.4, 1/5sec, f/11, ISO 200, -1.0 EV

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

27/365 Mommy Duties

I had a crazy busy night and day. I had computer and internet issues, home maintenance issues, furniture delivery, and of course, the usual Mommy chores. I was just so relieved when I read the assignment. It's like Daily Shoot knew I needed something easy today --- something that I didn't have to set up or go out of my way for. Something that I can just squeeze into my crazy schedule at home. So, here's what I got:

#DS416: Make an interesting photograph of something mundane and ordinary today.
50mm f/1.4, 1/80sec, f/4.5, ISO1250

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I wanted to go back downtown for this assignment but I'd been having sciatica for 26 hours now. Can't go too far. So here's our hallway. And hey, I'd suffered lots of pain to get this shot done! HA! ;)

#DS415: Make a photograph today with a diagonal line leading the viewer's eye through the composition.

18-200mm at 18mm, 1/4sec, f/10, ISO800

Monday, January 3, 2011

25/365 Symbolism

#ds414 Make a photograph with a symbol or an icon in it today.
25/365 Symbolism

Do you still remember how coffee was before Starbucks? I do. I thought the instant Nescafes tasted so good at that time. How much was a bottle or a sachet (1 cup serving) of coffee back then? That I can't remember. But what I know is that coffee was CHEAP.

Then Starbucks came. The world seem to have changed.  You'll find Starbucks in every corner of every city (except where I live now coz there's only 1 within a 19 mile radius!)  I remember surviving on Mocha Frapuccinos alone when I was still working in Manila. Starbucks was so accessible. It was at our building's ground floor and right at the corner where I lived. Back then, I thought it was just a fad but as the years went on, the company has just gotten bigger and better.  I am no longer the "addicted" Starbucks drinker that I was but not a week passes by when I don't drink at least one order of frapuccino.

Starbucks coffee has been a part of my life for nearly 10 years now.  So you might refer to this "mermaid" as a logo. But to me, it's the symbol of a change of lifestyle. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

24/365 Textures

Textures are everywhere. In your house, outside your backyard, or right by the street. You don't have to look hard to find them. What I found difficult today was picking out my favorite photo to blog... So here they all are ;)

#DS413: Find an interesting texture today and make a photograph.

24/365 Texture: Bread Basket
My Favorite Bread Basket
50mm f/1.4 at 1/125sec, f/3.5, ISO400
24/365 Texture: Pebbles
Pebbles from the Backyard
50mm f/1.4 at 1/500sec, f/8, ISO400
24/365 Texture: Brick Wall
Brick Wall in Downtown
18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 at 1/500sec, f/13, ISO400
(I just realized that I forgot to turn down my ISO when I went out! LOL)