Saturday, December 11, 2010

3/365 Dry Run

#DS391: What can make a photograph feel moody to you? Illustrate your answer today.

Her 3rd birthday isn't for 2 more weeks. But she's been rehearsing this for almost a year now. Yup. Since she turned 2 :) I can't even light a scented candle in the house for more than 5 minutes... and without hearing her sing the Happy Birthday song.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, December 10, 2010

2/365 Santa's Presents

2/365 Santa Said Don't Open Til Xmas Day

#DS390: What makes you anxious? Illustrate it in a photograph today.

The sight of this in our livingroom makes me anxious in 2 ways:
1) I'm anxious to see her reaction when she opens the presents, but
2) I hope she doesnt open them til Xmas Day!

Future Photographer

I was trying to capture my 3-year-old taking photos using Hipstamatic (on the iPhone), which is what she prefers over the regular camera app. It took just around 5 secs to capture this moment ---from getting the camera til i took the shot. She didn't even give me a second chance and even took Pooh and Piglet back to the playroom immediately after. Lesson learned, be more prepared next time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, December 9, 2010

1/365 Worn Out Jeans

DS389: Blue jeans and denim are pervasive. Incorporate a pair of jeans or the material into a photograph today.

As a stay-at-home mom, this is pretty much part of my "uniform". Dark rinse in boot cut or skinny are what I like best. What's your favorite?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome to my PhotoBlog!

I have been following a few 365 Projects lately and got inspired.  So I'm going to start my own tomorrow for the following reasons:

a) I would like to hone my skills in photography
b) I am beginning to lose my camera mojo because of so many factors and one of them is moving to a small city in KY, and
c) the obvious reason, I am addicted to pressing the shutter-release button :)

So here are my self-imposed rules:
1 - I have to do the assignments posted on Daily Shoot. If the assignment is not at all possible due to certain scenarios (being in a small town, for one!), then I may take a photo of something that struck me the most for the day.

2 - The photos must be taken using a DSLR. Do not use the iPhone or pocket camera as a crutch. (Unless of course if it's inevitable... like underwater photography!)

3 - If I took several images in one shoot, I cannot hold the images back for later posts unless my intention is to revisit earlier photos for purposes of learning photo-editing.

4 - I am only allowed to miss posting if I am having technical issues or limited internet access. But I must still shoot for the day and post as soon as I am able.

5 - This blog is not exclusive to my 365-day project. I may also blog about other things... like my new photoclub!

I know I can do this... but still, wish me luck! ;)