Monday, January 3, 2011

25/365 Symbolism

#ds414 Make a photograph with a symbol or an icon in it today.
25/365 Symbolism

Do you still remember how coffee was before Starbucks? I do. I thought the instant Nescafes tasted so good at that time. How much was a bottle or a sachet (1 cup serving) of coffee back then? That I can't remember. But what I know is that coffee was CHEAP.

Then Starbucks came. The world seem to have changed.  You'll find Starbucks in every corner of every city (except where I live now coz there's only 1 within a 19 mile radius!)  I remember surviving on Mocha Frapuccinos alone when I was still working in Manila. Starbucks was so accessible. It was at our building's ground floor and right at the corner where I lived. Back then, I thought it was just a fad but as the years went on, the company has just gotten bigger and better.  I am no longer the "addicted" Starbucks drinker that I was but not a week passes by when I don't drink at least one order of frapuccino.

Starbucks coffee has been a part of my life for nearly 10 years now.  So you might refer to this "mermaid" as a logo. But to me, it's the symbol of a change of lifestyle. 


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