Saturday, February 5, 2011

58/365 Form and Color

#DS447: Go abstract today.
Make a photograph that focuses on form and color rather than detail.

58/365 Color

I am no artist. So when I read the word abstract in today's TDS assignment, I knew another headache was on its way. Form and color --- I obviously took the assignment literally again. This photo above is no abstract. Uggh. I began to chew these mini M&Ms out of frustration. Then I realized I can shoot these sweet things in macro... I hoped to end up with something more abstract looking.

58/365 Color
Whatever! (That's my perfectionist self talking.) I'm going back to knitting...
58/365 Form & Color
Sigh. I think too much. :))

Friday, February 4, 2011

57/365 "Candies"

#DS446: Create a photo today that gives a sense of depth or dimension.
57/365 Depth
Testing My New Candy
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 @ 16mm, 1/13sec, f/3.5, ISO1000

I was crazy busy playing today. My husband gave me some new "candies" for Valentines! (Forgive me but I couldn't wait any longer! LOL) My main gift was what I used above. An ultra-wide angle lens with coordinating filters. I fell in love from the very first shot. I think it will never leave my camera from now on.

Another one of my presents are extension tubes, the economical way to do macro. It takes some getting used to but I am loving it too! Here are some sample photos that I took with the use of my 50mm f/1.4G lens.

Getting Up Close
Getting Up Close

She's blushing. I think she likes me.
She's blushing. I think she likes me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

56/365 Cloudy

#DS445: Look upward today.
Make a photograph with a low horizon and that emphasizes the sky.

56/365 Cloudy


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

55/365 What New Year's Resolution?!?!

55/365 What New Year's Resolution??

Next TDS assignment, please! :))

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

54/365 Laughter

#DS443: Fill the frame of a photograph with a single subject today.

54/365 Laughter

Even though it was very gloomy, our temperature was in the high 40's today. So right after school, we spent some family time, watching Alyssa ride her tricycle on the driveway. See how happy she was?? I can't wait for spring so we can do this more often. I am just done with bitter cold winter... DONE!

To those affected by the winterstorm this week, I hope you all are staying safe and warm. Our prayers go out to all of you.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, January 31, 2011

53/365 Knit, Knit, Knit

#DS442: Make a photograph that features repetition.

53/365 Knit, Knit, Knit

I am making an Eternity Scarf (or cowl) with the 465-yard skein of Fisherman's Wool that I found at the store this morning. Actually I just finished one for someone else --- and I absolutely loved it! So... after all these weeks of knitting for family and friends, I think it's time that I reward myself :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

52/365 Hide and Seek

#DS441: Make a photograph using hard light today.
Feature the crisp and strong shadows as a major element of your photograph.

52/365 Hide and Seek
I wonder where Alyssa is...

Lens 35mm f/1.8, f8.0, ISO400